Thursday, May 31, 2012

Simulated Etched Glass

There are many types of signage processes and materials to consider when choosing to display your company’s name on glass. Traditional vinyl and static clings are great solutions for non-permanent materials, but what if you want something to look permanent but be removable? The answer to this problem is simulated etched glass.

Traditional glass etching is accomplished through the use of acidic or abrasive substances, which leaves a permanent pattern in the glass. While this technique produces an elegant look, it is costly and weakens glass. Simulated etched glass looks exactly like etched glass, is inexpensive, and is removable. Other benefits of simulated etched glass are:
  • No risk of damage to your glass
  • Provides an additional coating to your glass which acts as a protective layer 
  • Any design imaginable can be created 
  • Designs can be created and installed in under two weeks depending on the complexity of the design
We can also combine simulated etched glass with other traditional materials like vinyl and 3-D signage. Combining these two together gives a visual appeal unmatched by any other single technique, and that is why more professional businesses are choosing this combination for their signage.

For more information about simulated etched glass for your business, or our logo, branding and image building services, visit or call 800-600-1412.